Thursday, June 14, 2012

Upcoming commemorative events

As we come upon the fiftieth anniversary of Algerian independence and the commemoration of the exodus of the Pieds-Noirs, numerous events are in the works. One I wish I could attend, "50e anniversaire de l'exode 1962-2012 des Français et des Harkis d'Algérie" will be held at the Hôtel Atria, Nîmes 23-24 June. Among the presenters are Charly Cassan and Jean-Pierre Lledo.

In Marseille from 28-30 June, I hope to attend a few of the events scheduled for the "Commémoration à Marseille du Cinquantenaire de l'exode des Français d'Algérie." My main focus is research-oriented as I will be interviewing artists who express the unspeakable of Algeria in their work. To that end, and thanks much to Nicole Guiraud, I will be at the "Colloque sur la Transmission de la Mémoire des Français d'Algérie" (30 June-1 July) in Masseube. Follow the links for programs and registration information.

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